Association of the Savary Island Community
The Association of the Savary Island Community (ASIC) is a BC registered society of Savary property owners, with a board of 9 director seats representing 907 members, as at January 1 2025.
The ASIC Board aims to represent its members in dealings with government and other groups, provide advice to government agencies on managing the island’s services, push for local control over policies and how tax dollars are spent to meet community needs, and work toward decisions that reflect Savary’s entire community.
Any resident/property owner on Savary can be a member of ASIC.
There are 3 elected director seats available for each of the three areas of the island
Area A Front Row / South Beach / Savary Shores
Area B Phyllis Rd to MacLean Rd
Area C MacLean Rd to West End / Indian Point / Thateq
The 2024 - 2026 Board Directors and Executive
Area A - Janine Reimer, President
Area A - Joan Vollans, Secretary Treasurer
Area A - Emer Dubois, Vice President
Area B - Jennifer Yourk
Area B - Vacant
Area B - Vacant
Area C - Bud Graham
Area C - Vacant
Area C - Vacant

By consenting to receiving correspondence, you agree to receive correspondence from the ASIC Board. ASIC does not have the resources to mail correspondence. We do not sell or share the email list; and we do not use the email list for marketing. As required by the BC Societies Act, we will send you a Notice of Annual General Meeting, yearly financial statements, and a Directors’ Report. We will also send ASIC’s ongoing newsletter of current projects, events, and concerns.